Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the Lee Kuan Yew Fund for Bilingualism?
The Lee Kuan Yew Fund for Bilingualism was first announced at the launch of Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s book, “My Lifelong Challenge: Singapore’s Bilingual Journey” on 28 November 2011. The Fund is set up as a company limited by guarantee, with Charity and Institution of a Public Character (IPC) status.
2. Who manages the Fund?
The Fund is managed by its Board. The Board is supported by a Project Evaluation Committee (PEC), Investment Advisory Committee (IAC), Publicity and Outreach Resource Panel (PORP), Audit Committee (AC) and Research Advisory Panel (RAP)
3. Why was the Fund set up?
The Fund was set up to promote bilingual education to supplement efforts by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in the teaching and learning of the English Language (EL) and the Mother Tongue Languages (MTLs). The Fund aims to encourage bilingualism and the learning of our Mother Tongue Languages as living languages and as a lifelong endeavour. To achieve this, the Fund supports proposals to develop bilingualism and seeks to play a catalytic role in seeding relevant initiatives.
4. Will the Fund support proposals that focus on languages other than EL and the MTLs?
The Fund is meant to help Singaporeans of all races to learn EL and the official MTLs: Chinese, Malay and Tamil languages.
5. What is the objective of the Fund?
The Fund aims to raise the quality of teaching and learning of EL and MTLs in the context of Singapore’s multicultural and socio-linguistic environment, particularly in nurturing bilingualism among preschool children and youths/young adults.
6. Does the Fund focus on supporting certain types of proposals?
The Fund is likely to support proposals which fall under one or more of the following categories: (a) teaching and learning resources; (b) events; and (c) programmes.
7. How much will the Fund give out every year to supported proposals?
The Fund will support worthy and good proposals. As such, there is no maximum cap. However, the amount of funding given out depends on the nature and scope of the project, as well as the availability of funds. Where necessary, the Fund will also redirect worthy proposals to relevant organisations.
8. Are funding opportunities specific to proposals for preschool children? The Fund will consider any worthy proposals targeted at preschool children or youths, so long as it serves to promote bilingualism and bilingual education in Singapore.
9. Does the Fund support the full cost of the project?
Applicants are advised to submit the indicative costs relating to the project for the Fund’s consideration. All costs pertaining to the whole duration of the project must be factored in and clearly stated in the Budget Proposal Form.
10. Does the Fund support all types of project costs?
Funding support for proposals are subject to the Fund’s project funding criteria and the achievement of committed targets. Examples of non-fundable items can be found in the Fund’s Application Guidelines.
11. What is the anticipated funding amount for each successful project?
The approved funding amount for each project will depend on the nature and scope of the project, as well as the availability of funds.
12. At the point of application, will an individual applying for the Fund need to undergo an audit?
No, an individual applying for the Fund will not have to undergo audits. However, for organisations and institutions, submitted applications would need to include certified copies of full sets of the audited financial or management reports over the past three years.
13. Can proposals supported by the Fund be funded by more than one grant?
Yes, provided that there is no double-funding for the same expenditure. We recognise that for some projects, applicants may need to source for funding from multiple sources. So long as the funding requested from the Fund is not already funded by another source, the Fund will consider the application.
We require applicants to declare other sources of funding or potential sources of funding (e.g. grants for which the applicants are in the process of applying) within Part II of the Budget Proposal Form.
14. Is there a maximum time validity for the supported funding?
The maximum time validity of the funds awarded to each project will typically be up to three years. Projects should be completed within this time frame. Some projects may be given a longer time frame for completion on a case-by-case basis.
15. Will the Fund ask for a share of the profits if the supported proposal generates revenue?
No, but the Fund may impose terms and conditions when the offer of the grant is made to successful applicants.
16. Can I retain intellectual property (IP) rights for the project?
Successful applicants will retain the IP rights for supported projects. However, the Fund may propose different ownership structures of the IP or conditions of use of the IP, on a case-by-case basis where there is good reason. This will be clearly indicated in the Project Agreement to successful applicants.
17. Who is eligible to apply for the Fund?
The Fund is open to individuals, and organisations/institutions. All applicants should have the relevant experience and expertise to implement the project.
Organisations and institutions must be registered with Singapore authorities such as the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and Registry of Societies (ROS).
18. Do applicants have to be Singapore-based to be eligible for a funding application? Can foreigners apply?
Foreigners or organisations based overseas may apply for the Fund. However, there would be a preference for applicants who are working in partnership with locally-based organisations. This is to ensure that the project takes into account the unique socio-linguistic context of Singapore.
19. Are for-profit organisations allowed to apply for the Fund?
Yes, for-profit organisations may apply for the Fund.
20. How do I apply?
You may fill in the Fund’s digital application form via the provided QR codes and other required application documents.
Only applications submitted using the Fund’s application form will be considered. You may refer to the Applicant Checklist for the list of documents needed. Other guidelines for application can also be found in the Fund Application Guidelines.
21. When can I apply?
The Fund has specific Calls for Proposals (CFP) periods and only accepts proposals received in January and July each year. Proposals may also sometimes be received through applications made for Bulan Bahasa, Tamil Language Festival and Tamil Youth Festival.
Applicants are advised that the Fund requires Grantees to take in the Fund’s input to our satisfaction. Please factor in additional time for vetting and printing/production before the launch date, especially for print and digital resources, and submit your applications in the appropriate CFP period of January or July.
Proposals that are received outside of the CFP period will only be evaluated during the next CFP. Expenses incurred before the projects are approved will not be eligible for funding.
22. Do I have to submit a single complete application or may I send it in parts?
All applications have to be submitted as a single complete application. Only complete applications will be evaluated.
23. Can I submit more than one proposal?
Yes, applicants may submit more than one proposal. Each proposal will be evaluated with a set of pre-determined evaluation criteria.
24. Can I collaborate with other organisations/institutions to submit proposals?
Yes, joint proposals may be submitted.
25. Can I submit a manual application form and submit my proposals via e-mail or through a manual submission?
No. Only submissions made online via the links provided via LKYFB’s websiteonly.
26. What is the selection process?
The Fund will only evaluate proposals with complete applications. The Fund’s Programme Office may contact applicants to ask for further details. All applicants will be notified of the final outcome. Successful applicants will receive a Letter of Offer stating the terms and conditions of the funding support. A Project Agreement will be signed between the Fund and successful applicants.
27. How are the proposals evaluated?
Proposals will be evaluated using a set of pre-determined evaluation criteria that consider the application’s relevance, impact, sustainability and the potential of the applicant. Details of the evaluation criteria can be found in the Fund Application Guidelines.
28. How soon can successful applicants receive funding?
Successful applicants can generally expect the first tranche of funds to be disbursed one month after signing the Project Agreement.
29. Who evaluates and approves the proposals? What is the Fund’s basis for approval of proposals?
All proposals are reviewed and evaluated by the Project Evaluation Committee (PEC) based on a set of evaluation criteria that consider the application’s relevance, impact, sustainability and the potential of the applicant.
The members of the PEC have the relevant expertise and experience to assess the quality and worthiness of the proposals received. Where applicable, other experts and specialists such as those from within MOE are also consulted. Depending on the quantum of funding requested, either the PEC or the Board (considering the recommendations of the PEC) approves the proposals.
30. Can rejected applicants appeal for reconsideration of their proposals?
The Fund does not accept appeals. However, applicants whose proposals have not been supported may revise their proposal and submit it again. The Fund adopts an open approach and will review proposals that are refined and revised.
31. Can current grantees with ongoing projects apply for funds?
No. LKYFB is currently not accepting any applications made by applicants with ongoing projects that have yet to be completed. The new application would be automatically withdrawn and will not be considered.